Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023


In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI LEONARDO MELLACE ABSTRACT – This article starts from the Micheletti and Chen rulings (two milestones of European case-law on the issue of citizenship), and then it focuses on the Tjebbes and JY, as well as the Rottmann, which inspired them. With these latter judgments, the Luxembourg Court decided that the competent national authorities and […]...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI AMILCARE D’ANDREA  ABSTRACT – The analysis of this paper aims to highlight the positions in the history of the interpretation of law (between the philosophy of language, doctrine and jurisprudence) and the crisis of the Italian principle of “determinatezza-tassatività of criminal offences”. This principle can also have a source in the simple change of [&...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI PIER LUIGI PORTALURI Abstract – The Bannkreise that tempt the judge have many faces. For example, the one that tempts him to establish a direct relationship with society, i.e., not mediated by the law: to disregard the normative datum, or even violate it, with the motive – or pretext? – of satisfying real or […]...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI GIUSEPPE COLACINO  ABSTRACT – In the age of the Internet and the digitized society, the collection and processing of personal data represent an increasingly invasive reality of privacy and individual rights, but they are also indispensable for the pursuit of relevant social interests. In this context, marked by the relentless search for a point […]...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI SAUL NEWMAN  ABSTRACT – Starting from the debate raised by Giorgio Agamben’s comments on the management of the pandemic crisis, in this contribution the author reviews some fundamental concepts of Schmittian thought such as sovereignty, constitution, state of exception and political theology, and then assesses their resilience and usefulness in the conte...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI GIOVANNI BOMBELLI ABSTRACT – The essay aims at highlighting some arguments in order to rethink the conceptual pair exchange-relation within the economic perspective considered in the light of law. Starting from the critical reference represented by the theoretical framework of the analysis economic of law, as well as from the horizon offered by some […]...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI GAETANO BUCCI ABSTRACT – The present paper seeks to highlight the national and international reasons that led to the split of the Italian Communist Party from the Italian Socialist Party, and analyzes the characteristics of the aforementioned split and its historical presuppositions. After this, an attempt is made to underline the impact of the […]...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI MARIO CATERINI E MARIANNA ROCCA ABSTRACT – The paper, starting from the analysis of the normative, historical and dogmatic evolution of the agent provocateur, intends to highlight the differences between this figure and the one of the undercover agent. The work focuses, in particular, on the problem of the criminal responsibility of the agent […]...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI ALBERTO SCERBO ABSTRACT – In the literature of the twentieth century, the idea of Europe appears above all in correspondence with the two world wars and, while playing different roles, it promises to be a decisive point of reference for the analysis of the historical situation and the explanation of the thorniest political problems. […]...
In Saggi
22 Ago 2022
DI SERENA SERRAVALLE ABSTRACT – The essay notes the reflection on principles and criteria expressed by art. 9 of the 2021 European delegation law and d.lgs. 8.11.2021, n. 177, in order to analyze the way taken by the national legislator in implementing the rules on the use of out-of-commerce works by the cultural heritage institutions […]...