Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023


In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI MARIO CALOGERO ABSTRACT – In this paper the author addresses the issue of the national border walls through an analysis about the individual property law and the ius excludendi alios, whose ratio seems to echo the same interests and objectives that drive national states in erecting border walls. After a brief reconstruction of the private […]...
In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI FRANCISCO JAVIER ANSUÁTEGUI ROIG ABSTRACT – The theses defended by Ronald Dworkin constitute an important chapter in contemporary legal philosophy and have been extensively discussed. However, beyond the substantive content of his proposals, in Dworkin we find a way of doing and conceiving philosophy of law, which underlines its practical dimension. This is al...
In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI FERNANDO H. LLANO ALONSO ABSTRACT – The main aim of this article is to present a theoretical alternative to the dominant doctrine of justechnicism (whose postulates are in accordance with the foundations of legal formalism and the normativist view of law). This alternative is embodied in the defense of technological humanism, whose integrative plan makes it [&...
In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI CRISTINA GARCÍA PASCUAL ABSTRACT – This article, basing on some works of dystopian literature, analyses central aspects of the debate around the categories of sex and gender and their consequences for women’s emancipation. A correct understanding of both concepts, that is sex and gender, is relevant for the design of public policies aimed at satisfying s...
In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI MARCO Q. SILVI ABSTRACT – In this paper I investigate some differences between law and games and some relations that can be established between ludic systems and legal systems. My purpose is to show the limits and pitfalls inherent in the metaphor of law as a game, and to criticize the use of that metaphor […]...
In Saggi
1 Feb 2022
DI DONATELLA MONTEVERDI ABSTRACT – The analysis of the Variae, free from prejudices about its author, gives significant information on the role still played by prudentia iuris in the sixth century in the West. The rhetorical formulation that covers the acts contained in the Cassiodorean work appears to be an instrument of connection between the old […]...
In Saggi
2 Ago 2021
BY WILLIAM E. SCHEUERMAN  ABSTRACT – This paper seeks to relate some of the events surrounding the 2020 US elections – and the Trump presidency more generally – to what are viewed as congenital problems of the US American version of constitutional democracy, which is thus described as a system of limited democracy with extensive minority […]...
In Saggi
2 Ago 2021
BY DANIEL INNERARITY ABSTRACT – In this paper, the Author proposes an articulate reflection upon democracy in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, trying to answer the question whether democracy is able to manage such crisis. The Author addresses this subject taking directly into account three main issues, namely the problem of the exception, the […]...
In Saggi
2 Ago 2021
DI FRANCISCO JAVIER ANSUÁTEGUI  ABSTRACT – A study on post-truth allows us to think about a classic and fundamental problem in moral and political philosophy, that is the relationship between lie and truth. In this sense, my interest is focused on the position of these two concepts in the political discourse. It is a classic […]...
In Saggi
2 Ago 2021
DI SALVATORE BERLINGO’  ABSTRACT – In this article the Author stresses the point that one of the fundamental presuppositions of any democratic political order is the “friendship”, expressed above all in terms of hospitality and openness to differences.  KEYWORDS – post-modern laicality – Mediterranean Sea – Europe – multi...