Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Democrazia e Parlamentarismo

In Forum
13 Febbraio 2021


ABSTRACT By way of an introductory contribution to the focus on “Democracy and Parliamentarism”, the article intends to provide a key to the historical-conceptual understanding of parliamentary democracy. In particular, it is argued that parliamentary democracy can be adequately investigated only in the light of the late-modern horizon within which a concept of democracy is outlined that is the child of the primacy of the subject thought as a free and autonomous entity. Consequently, it is proposed to understand the problems of contemporary parliamentary democracy and the prospects of “reform”, subject of the focus, taking into account such a context and the crisis that has long characterized the foundations of the modern concept of democracy itself. The crisis of representative democracy is, more precisely, conceived as a crisis of the very places where it was possible, within the parliamentary form, to channel the conflict and structure the political mediation, as well as a crisis of the institutions’ ability to frame the particular instances within a project of society in which, in some way, everyone can recognize themselves. In such scenario, different needs of analysis arise, with the contributions of Lucia Corso, Filippo Pizzolato, Alessandro Morelli, Rosaria Pirosa, Silvia Salardi, Luigi Mariano Guzzo.

KEYWORDS democracy, parliament, crisis, people


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