Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Un giurista dinanzi alla questione minorile nell’Italia liberale: Lino Ferriani (1852-1921) di Antonella Bongarzone

In Saggi
1 Agosto 2017

Abstract – Lino Ferriani was a “lombrosian” lawyer. He was unknown in his fruitful and intense study life, specially focused on the problem of “degenerate and delinquent offspring” and abandoned childcare by introducing the positive experimental method in Italy. Through an examination of his writings it is possible to trace a conducting line that combines this writings with the theories of St. John Bosco and Maria Montessori, based on the “preventive care” of the young.

Keywords – Corrections, lapses, education, preventive system.


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