Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023


In Discussione
1 Ago 2017
Abstract – The pharmaceutical industry plays an important role in human health. For this reason, the legislator is interested in encouraging it. Patents are a means to achieve this. The balancing between the right to health, freedom of science and the author’s interest is represented by the prediction of a term over the duration of […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract– A brilliant description of the trial through to the rich heritage of international literature and art is the book of Bruno Cavallone. In this section the authors develop some of the many possible reflections about the subtle, complicated, and even painful profiles of the trial. The book is also a bright example that the […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract – This paper analyses the reform process of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis in order to Vatican financial system by a normative approach. Although in a formal manner Vatican City is not a member of European Union, since 2000 Vatican City adheres to European financial system and it has the same duties of other […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract – Widely regarded in the line of the most important crime novelists of all time, Georges Simenon could represent a special case study to understand the main differences between the American and European legal culture. This interview with professor Massimo La Torre shows many relevant issues on the way to reveal unpredictable elements. Keywords […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract – Despite the unpopularity, Donald Trump won the US elections. Instead of blaming the electors, we ought seriously to consider the reasons behind their choice. The loss of control by elites show us how they are no longer able to understand actual people’s needs and the impact of the economic crisis. Trump, and Brexit […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract – This paper does not claim to be an introduction to the feminist analysis of the law in general or of the specific theories of law but it arises at the halfway point between some criticisms and proposal of alternative elements. For this reason, in the following few pages I will give an overview […]...
In Discussione
22 Gen 2017
Abstract – With the ruling Puligienica the European Court of Justice is back on two important issues, one concerning the interpretation of art. 1 par. 3 of directive 89/665 / EEC; and the other, the relationship between art. 99 cod. proc. amm. and art. 267 TFEU in relation to the obligation of the judge of […]...
In Discussione
5 Ago 2016
To make sense of Brexit, it seems to me that we have to start by clarifying what was the actual content and relevance of the ‘Brexit’ deal agreed between the United Kingdom and the European Union (section I), and how that deal was essential in allowing the British Prime Minister to shape the terms of […]...
In Discussione
5 Ago 2016
The British referendum of June 23, 2016, was a crucial step in the European integration process. The possible economic impacts of the exit of Britain from the EU (‘Brexit’) are very uncertain: current estimates predict a fall of the UK GDP ranging between -0.6% to -14% over 15 years. Only few scholars argued that the […]...
In Discussione
5 Ago 2016
Ne La dittatura dello spread, il prof. Somma ci costringe, per nostra fortuna, a un’analisi che non si incentra esclusivamente sul peso che il differenziale tra rendimento dei titoli di stato tedeschi e titoli di stato degli altri paesi europei sta assumendo all’interno delle economie contemporanee. L’autore si ripropone, infatti, di dare un’interpretazione del fenomen...