Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Diritto, religione e le sfide dell’integrazione nel circuito europeo di Jessica Mazzuca

In Discussione
9 Agosto 2019

Abstract In the societies in which we live, where each of us is a bundle of intertwined diversity, there are also innumerable individual manifestations that, if well cultivated, can become the engine of any biological, cultural or social evolution. Workplaces are a reflection of the multicultural and multireligious composition of contemporary societies. For this reason, it is here that pluralism must be guaranteed more than ever, even in the absence of precise legal obligations. This study outlines the relationship between work, religious discrimination and integration policies through the theme of trendy organizations, focusing on the case of hospitals, managed by religious organizations.

Keywordsequality, discrimination, religious organizations


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