Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Economia, scambio, diritto e relazione. Schumpeter come case study

In Saggi
22 Agosto 2022


ABSTRACT – The essay aims at highlighting some arguments in order to

rethink the conceptual pair exchange-relation within the economic

perspective considered in the light of law. Starting from the critical

reference represented by the theoretical framework of the analysis

economic of law, as well as from the horizon offered by some milestones

of the continental economic theory, the comparison with Joseph

Schumpeter’s theory allows to underline some problematic insights. The

complex approach elaborated by the Austrian author as regards the idea

of dynamic “enterprise” and the creative “entrepreneur” (including the

historical background related to the role of the State and of the so-called

process of trustification) highlights the articulation of the economic

development and its relevant legal and political-institutional corollaries.

The contribution offered by Schumpeter is still useful, especially in order

to emphasize many points of the current debate about economics and law:

the architecture of the “enterprise”, the multiple patterns of economic

behavior, the models of legal reasoning and the relation economics-law. In

conclusion, Schumpeter’s theory entails an in-depth analysis of the legal

regulation of economy.


KEYWORDS – Economy, Exchange, Law, Relation, Schumpeter


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