Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Fintech e criptovalute: processi di regolamentazione europea e questioni applicative

In Discussione
22 Agosto 2022


ABSTRACT – The technological revolution is experiencing an unstoppable

rise, powerfully inserting itself into all current economic, legal and social

dynamics, proposing models, products and alternative solutions to the

traditional ones; conversely, its regulation appears to be very late. The

purpose of this paper is to analyse the disruptive impact of Fintech and

cryptocurrencies on traditional financial intermediaries and to reconstruct

the European regulatory processes. In this regard, the focus was on the

regulation of the United Kingdom, as the Fintech leader in the world and

which is currently exposed to a series of uncertainties and opportunities

following Brexit. The need for a new and organic regulation on this matter

is accentuated with regard to cryptocurrencies, which certainly represent

the most disruptive product of the technological revolution. Therefore,

questions were raised about the legal qualification of cryptocurrencies and

the issues relating to their contribution to the share capital of limited

companies were investigated following the recent jurisprudential

decisions in Italy. The goal was to identify interpretative solutions of

“openness” to these new technological financial instruments.

KEYWORDS – Fintech, Cryptocurrencies, European regulation, Brexit,

Company law, Share capital contribution


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