Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

La devianza. Dalla genesi scientifica del concetto all’ipotesi di un modello alternativo di società

In Saggi
2 Agosto 2021


 ABSTRACT The article offers an introduction to the Sociology of deviance, providing some notes regarding the scientific genesis and development of the concept of deviance in the sociological debate and its link with power and Foucault’s “dispositive”. After exposing the interpretations of the concept elaborated by the principal sociological theories on this focus (Positive School, Durkheim’s functionalism, Parsons and Merton’s structural functionalism, labelling theory of the Chicago School, and Alex Comfort’s thought about the connection between psychopathology and political leadership) the Author, according to Alessandro Dal Lago, highlights the critical points for each approach. This work underlines the close relationship between the analysis of deviance and control systems and the creation of an alternative and new social organization, as developed by anarchist thought. 

KEYWORDS Deviance – sociology – dispositive – functionalism – anarchism. 


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