Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

La maternità surrogata alla prova dell’utilitarismo e della teoria della giustizia

In Saggi
13 Febbraio 2021


ABSTRACT Surrogacy, like other bioethical issues, hardly seems able to offer definitive proposals, especially considering the plurality of practical and moral profiles involved. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the ethical sustainability of this practice in the context of two specific theories of philosophical debate: Utilitarianism, in Jeremy Bentham’s version, and John Rawls’s Theory of Justice. Through the breakdown into four distinct hypotheses, identified on the basis of their different degree of complexity, we will try to obtain more accurate moral outcomes compared to those we would get adopting a generalist method.

KEYWORDS Surrogacy, Utilitarianism, Theory of justice, Ethical sustainability, Desire for parenthood.


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