Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

La responsabilità penale dell’esercente la professione sanitaria fra criticità e nuove prospettive di tutela

In Saggi
13 Febbraio 2021


ABSTRACT – This work aims to make a critical examination of the criminal liability’s discipline of the medical profession’s practitioner.In particular, the dimension of the analysis focuses on the succession’s phenomenon of criminal laws over time: in fact, it passes from the normative prescriptions embedded in the Balduzzilaw (n. 189/2012) to those dictated by the Gelli-Biancolaw (n. 24/2017).Alongside the analysis of the aforementioned legislation, a reference is made to the main jurisprudential orientations, characterizing the aforesaid matter, with particular regard to the nature and significance, in the criminal liability’s judgment of the healthcare professional, of the guidelines and good clinical-care practices.Finally, the cause of non-punishment contemplated by art. 590-sexies of the criminal Code, with the related critical issues and doubts of constitutional legitimacy.

KEYWORDS– medical profession’s practitioner, Balduzzilaw, Gelli-Biancolaw, Article 590-sexies c. p., guidelines, Court of Cassation.


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