Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

L’operatività della confisca allargata: retroattività e ragionevolezza temporale fra giurisprudenza interna, garanzie CEDU e normativa sovranazionale

In Saggi
22 Agosto 2022


ABSTRACT – The article aims to analyze issues relating to the principle of

non-retroactivity and temporal reasonableness in the matter of extended

confiscation, on the basis of the evolution of internal jurisprudence and that

of the European Court of Human Rights.There is also an analysis of various

confiscation models within the individual European Union regulations and

their affinity with the extended Italian confiscation, without neglecting the

issues concerning its compatibility with the ECHR. Particular attention was

then paid to the transposition of the extended confiscation within article 240

bis of the Penal Code, to its succession rules and, lastly, to its provision in

the executive phase. Recently, indeed, the United Sections of the Court of

Cassation ruled on the possible provision of the type of confiscation in

question on the assets referable to the convict and acquired at his disposal,

even after the sentence for the so-called “spy” crime. In this way, the Italian

judges of legitimacy have put an end to a jurisprudential conflict that had

aroused particular interest also in the comments of the doctrine. From this

jurisprudential approach it is thus possible to outline possible future

prospects regarding the confiscation of assets and temporal reasonableness.

KEYWORDS – European Court of Human Rights, CEDU, Court of Cassation,

Article 240 bis c.p., confiscation


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