Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Un boulevard per Lon Fuller di Tommaso Greco

In Discussione
18 Febbraio 2019

Abstract- Starting from a recent writing on Lon Fuller by Andrea Porciello, in this essay I will explain some observations on the thought of Lon Fuller, underlining as for Fuller the notion of law is closely related to society. In such perspective, the concept of law may be entertained in an innovative way. It is freed from coercive force of the sanction, as happens in the positivistic tradition, because it takes place and it is perfected in the context of intersubjective relationships. The aim of this work is to bring out Fuller as an author who “ends up” creating “a concept of law in which the concrete relations between individuals and the concrete objectives that they intend to pursue become central”.

Keywords – the concept of Law, society, social context.


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