Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Una giustificazione metaetica del valore intrinseco della natura: il soggettivismo sofisticato (una variante)

In Saggi
2 Agosto 2021


 ABSTRACT – One of the most important and recurring ideas in Deep ecology, first of all in the one proposed by its creator Arne Naess, is that nature is endowed with intrinsic value, regardless of what humans may think or believe about it. The problem is that Naess offers no justification for such an important thesis in the economics of his theory. In this article I intend to fill the space that Naess has deliberately left empty, proposing a metaethical position that takes into account the idea of “intrinsic value”. I will endorse a form of moderate subjectivism that places value, not directly within nature, but in the relationship that binds nature to human beings. 

KEYWORDS Deep ecology – Metaethics – Intrinsic Value – Environment – Subjectivism


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