Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Lo “spirito” dell’Europa nella letteratura tra le due guerre mondiali

In Saggi
22 Agosto 2022


ABSTRACT – In the literature of the twentieth century, the idea of Europe

appears above all in correspondence with the two world wars and, while

playing different roles, it promises to be a decisive point of reference for the

analysis of the historical situation and the explanation of the thorniest

political problems. It works in all cases as a factor of regeneration and hope,

at times as a tool for reading the past, as happens in Stefan Zweig, at others

as a criterion for interpreting the present, as in Thomas Mann, still others as

a compositional principle of a unity of souls in an ideal future projection, as

can be glimpsed in Paul Valery

KEYWORDS – Spirit of Europe, world wars, Zweig, Mann, Valery


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