Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023

Servitù del corpo. Distopia, natura e genere

In Saggi
1 Febbraio 2022


ABSTRACT This article, basing on some works of dystopian literature, analyses central aspects of the debate around the categories of sex and gender and their consequences for women’s emancipation. A correct understanding of both concepts, that is sex and gender, is relevant for the design of public policies aimed at satisfying self-determination demands. In this field, the dystopian gaze offers us keys to an elucidation of feminist theory. Such counterfactual gaze is instrumental to enrich and improve current debates on identity that take place within feminism. At the same time, a dystopian narrative may shed light on our factual reality and, somewhat paradoxically, even on utopian normative proposals.

KEYWORDS Gender identity, feminist dystopias, patriarchy and servitude of the body


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