Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023


In Discussione
25 Feb 2020
DI LUCA LOSCHIAVO Abstract – The profound social transformations of our time require a serious reflection on the need to rethink the legal training; this is particularly urgent given the significant role played by those who practice the legal profession. The present work intends to offer an insight into the manifold problems faced today by […]...
In Discussione
25 Feb 2020
DI JOHN KOMLOS E SALVATORE PERRI Abstract – All five US administration since Ronald Reagan became president in 1981 accept policies based on low taxes that included an enormous windfall for millionaires. In addition, their “supply-side” policies were based on market liberalization, hyperglobalization, and propping up the financial sector through the bailouts of 2008. H...
In Discussione
25 Feb 2020
DI SERENA SERRAVALLE E IVAN VALIA   La maternità surrogata solleva numerose questioni di ordine giuridico, etico e morale, come la sua supposta contrarietà all’ordine pubblico, il ruolo che la derivazione biologica assume nella genitorialità, il significato della locuzione “preminente interesse del minore” o, come ha avuto recentemente modo di sottolineare la Cort...
In Discussione
25 Feb 2020
DI LIVIO GHERSI Abstract – This paper analyzes the proposal of the Italian constitutional law aimed to modify the articles 56, 57 and 59 of the Constitution, reducing the number of parliamentarians. The question fits into the wider issue of the costs of policy. This kind of proposal has always exercised over the citizens the […]...
In Discussione
25 Feb 2020
DI NICOLETTA PALAZZO Abstract – This paper analyses the position of theistic, non-theistic, and atheistic convictions in Italy, focusing on the Union of Atheist and Rationalist Agnostics (UAAR). One of the main aims of the association is to overcome the discriminatory regime of the agreements between the State and religious bodies, ex Article 8, Paragraph […]...
In Discussione
9 Ago 2019
Abstract – Two acknowledged and significant candidates ran against each other for being the metropolitan mayor of Istanbul on March 31, 2019: Ekrem İmamoğlu as the candidate of CHP and İYİ Party (Nation’s Alliance) and Binali Yıldırım as the candidate of AKP and MHP (People’s Alliance). Sadi Güven, the chairman of the Supreme Board of Elections, […]...
In Discussione
9 Ago 2019
Abstract – In the societies in which we live, where each of us is a bundle of intertwined diversity, there are also innumerable individual manifestations that, if well cultivated, can become the engine of any biological, cultural or social evolution. Workplaces are a reflection of the multicultural and multireligious composition of contemporary societies. For thi...
In Discussione
9 Ago 2019
Abstract – The recent activity of territorial reorganization of the school, so called dimensionamento, arises the problem of the proper management of the archive’s school and the recovery of historical memory. Keywords – archives of the school, reorganization, identity, preservation SCARICA IL DOCUMENTO INTEGRALE...
In Discussione
9 Ago 2019
Abstract – Adopting a certain concept of law implies a certain concept of legal ethics about the role of the lawyer, who often assumes an ambiguous position between being the defender of the party who is called to assist or being upholder of legal justice. This paper will try to investigate a workable alternative to […]...
In Discussione
18 Feb 2019
Abstract- Starting from a recent writing on Lon Fuller by Andrea Porciello, in this essay I will explain some observations on the thought of Lon Fuller, underlining as for Fuller the notion of law is closely related to society. In such perspective, the concept of law may be entertained in an innovative way. It is […]...