Login Contatti | RIVISTA SEMESTRALE - ISSN 2421-0730 - ANNO IX - NUMERO 2 - DICEMBRE 2023


In Saggi
4 Set 2023
DI MARIA LUDOVICA LAGALLA  ABSTRACT – This essay intends to describe how restorative justice constitutes a modality of response to criminal offenses that implies a juridical culture, a conception of law and a characterisation of power that are opposite of or, more prudently, very distant from, those of the nineteenth-century rule of law. Also, I explain […...
In Saggi
4 Set 2023
DI FRANCESCO BIONDO  ABSTRACT – The spread of fake news in the digital arena has put into question the traditional idea of the self-regulation of public debate: the well-known metaphor of “free market of ideas”. Because of the availability of digital media, the reduction of the overall cost in producing and disseminating false news has […]...
In Saggi
4 Set 2023
DI ANNA TROJSI  ABSTRACT – This essay aims to provide a systematic framework of the public law regime and of the apparatus of regulatory sources, concerning the figures of non-privatized Italian civil servants, regulated by article 3 of the legislative decree n. 165/2001. In particular, it examines the inspiring constitutional reasons, linked to the peculiarities...
In Saggi
4 Set 2023
DI ROSARIO FRANCO  ABSTRACT – Lo studio si occupa di approfondire per un verso il fondamento sotteso all’opzione risolutoria del contraente non inadempiente, individuandolo nella sua libertà di scelta: pertanto, soltanto occasionato, non anche giuridicamente causato, dall’altrui inadempimento, a prescindere dalla colpa; per l’altro, le modalità di funzionamento d...
In Saggi
4 Set 2023
DI SIMONE RIZZUTO Abstract – This article aims to deepen the national discipline of torture which is regulated according to article 613-bis of the penal code. This provision was introduced as a result of parliamentary approval of the law number 110/2017, and it is really affected by requests coming from international law. The proposed examination […]...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI BRIAN H. BIX  ABSTRACT – This work offers an overview of the consequences and implications of the work of the American Legal Realists. First, the article considers Brian Leiter’s naturalist understanding of the realist project and how he uses it as an occasion to argue for a generally naturalist approach to legal philosophy. Se-cond, […]...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI MAURO FORTUNATO MAGNELLI  ABSTRACT – While being aware of the changing times and the dynamism that must characterize the work of the interpreter, it must be noted that algorithmic intelligences are not always able to evaluate the specific case, nor to substitute that individual and responsible elaboration, on a constitutional basis, to the sensitivity of [&hel...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI ALARICO BARBAGLI ABSTRACT – In the Ms. XIII.B.25 of National Library of Naples there is a manuscript that, for a long time, has been attributed to famous Calabrian humanist Aulo Giano Parrasio. Instead, this article demonstrates that the Neapolitan manuscript contents a copy of De verborum significatione of Maffeo Vegio, belonged to Parrasio, who […]...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI ELVIO ANCONA  ABSTRACT – The present essay intends to reconstruct Michel Villey’s legal philosophical conception in order to be able to evaluate his contribution to the natural law tradition (§1). To this end, his rediscovery of classical, Aristotelian-Thomistic, natural law is decisive, as opposed to modern natural law and its reductionisms (§2). After ...
In Saggi
2 Feb 2023
DI ANDREA FAVARO  ABSTRACT – The contribution aims to examine how the Covid-19 pandemic has tested the resilience of liberal-democratic orders. In this analysis, the author proposes a comparison between the contemporary era and the time at the beginning of the 20th century, pointing out the novelties proposed by the so-called ‘soft-law’ and the differ...